Spring 2025
HSC3032 00DL - Foundations of Health Education (Garcia-Guettler)
HSC3032 0330 - Foundations of Health Education (Garcia-Guettler)
HSC3032 UFOO - Foundations of Health Education (Garcia-Guettler)
HSC3102 01DL - Personal and Family Health (Ossiboff)
HSC3102 1983 - Personal and Family Health (Black)
HSC3102 8315 - Personal and Family Health (Garcia-Guettler)
HSC3102 UFOO - Personal and Family Health (Ossiboff)
HSC3201 28C4 - Community and Environmental Health (Black)
HSC3201 29C5 - Community and Environmental Health (Emanuel)
HSC3201 UFOO - Community and Environmental Health (Emanuel)
HSC3537 00DL - Health and Medical Terminology (Emanuel)
HSC3537 01DL - Health and Medical Terminology (Sayedul Huq)
HSC3537 UFOO - Health and Medical Terminology (Emanuel)
HSC4133 00DL - Human Sexuality Education (Sanders)
HSC4133 UFOO - Human Sexuality Education (Sanders)
HSC4134 00DL - Emotional Health Counseling (Sanders)
HSC4134 01DL - Emotional Health Counseling (Ossiboff)
HSC4143 4611 - Drug Education and Behavior (Scaglione)
HSC4174 1359 - Determinants of Obesity (Reesor-Oyer)
HSC4232 2487 - Exercise Therapy and Physical Activity and Health (Murphy)
HSC4233 00DL/01DL - Patient Health Education (Garcia-Guettler)
HSC4302 1167 - Methods and Materials of Health Education (Holton)
HSC4302 UFOI - Methods and Materials of Health Education (Holton)
HSC4579 12D6 - Women's Health Issues (Murphy)
HSC4579 UFOO - Women's Health Issues (Garcia-Guettler)
HSC4664 9328 - Health Communication (Ossiboff)
HSC4694 UFOO - Worksite Health Promotion (Holton)
HSC4713 00DL - Planning and Evaluation for Health Education (Foxx)
HSC4713 3641 - Planning and Evaluation for Health Education (Black)
HSC4713 3C22 - Planning and Evaluation for Health Education (Ossiboff)
HSC4713 UFOI - Planning and Evaluation for Health Education (Foxx)
HSC4800 - Health Education Professional Development (Moses)
HSC4876 - Internship in Health Education (Moses)
HSC4950 7328 - Research Methods (McVay)
HSC5135 01DL - Emotional Health Education (Sanders)
HSC5138 01DL - Human Sexuality Education (Sanders)
HSC5138 MHEO - Human Sexuality Education (Sanders)
HSC5142 4612 - Drug Education and Behavior (Scaglione)
HSC5536c 00DL - Medical Terminology for Health Professionals (Foxx)
HSC5618 2249 - Advanced Exercise Therapy Adaptations (Murphy)
HSC5925 1350 - Determinants of Obesity (Reesor-Oyer)
HSC5956 00DL - Writing for Professional Publications (Arnold and Hone)
HSC5956 MHEI - Writing for Professional Publications (Hone)
HSC6037 MHEO - Philosophy and Principles of Health Education (Moses)
HSC6235 01DL - Patient Health Education (Garcia-Guettler)
HSC6235 MHEO - Patient Health Education (Garcia-Guettler)
HSC6318 MHEO - Planning Health Education Programs (Mobley)
HSC6506 3124 - Epidemiology (Wende)
HSC6575 1955 - Women's Health Issues (Murphy)
HSC6575 MHEO - Women's Health Issues (Garcia-Guettler)
HSC6603 MHEO - Theories of Health Education and Behavior (Murphy)
HSC6637 MHEO - Social Marketing and Health (Ossiboff)
HSC6712 3654 - Evaluating Health Education Programs (Jake-Schoffman)
HSC6712 MEHO - Evaluating Health Education Programs (Webb)
HSC6735 00DL - Research Methods in Health Education (Foxx)
HSC7937 3D44 - Mediation and Moderation Analysis (Cheong)
Fall 2024
Course # | Course Name | Class # | Spec |
Days | Time | Bldg/Rm | Instructor |
HSC3032 | Foundations Hlth Edu | 14077 | T | 3:00-6:00pm | FLG210 | Garcia-Guettler | |
HSC3032 | Foundations Hlth Edu | 14078 | UFO | Garcia-Guettler | |||
HSC3102 | Personal Family Hlth | 14079 | Wilson | ||||
HSC3102 | Personal Family Hlth | 27289 | Wilson | ||||
HSC3102 | Personal Family Hlth | 24281 | Emanuel | ||||
HSC3102 | Personal Family Hlth | 20365 | MWF | 1:55-2:45pm | FLG245 | Ossiboff | |
HSC3102 | Personal Family Hlth | 14081 | UFO | Emanuel | |||
HSC3201 | Community/Envir Hlth | 14097 | MWF | 9:35-10:25am | FLG245 | Chappell | |
HSC3201 | Community/Envir Hlth | 14081 | UFO | Emanuel | |||
HSC3537 | Hlth and Med Term | 14132 | Buckley | ||||
HSC3537 | Hlth and Med Term | 21907 | Sayedul Huq | ||||
HSC3537 | Hlth and Med Term | 25663 | Emanuel | ||||
HSC3537 | Hlth and Med Term | 14131 | Foxx | ||||
HSC3537 | Hlth and Med Term | 14130 | UFO | Emanuel | |||
HSC4133 | Human Sexuality Edu | 29377 | R | 3:00-6:00pm | FLG285 | Hone | |
HSC4134 Emotional Hlth Couns |
14164 | T | 11:45-1:40pm | Tur2305 | Ossiboff | ||
14164 | R | 12:50-1:40pm | Ossiboff | ||||
HSC4174 Determinants Obesity |
29051 | M | 3:00-3:50pm | CSEE121 | McVay | ||
29051 | W | 3:00-4:55pm | FLG265 | McVay | |||
HSC4232c Ex Ther Phys Act Hlth |
13980 | T | 12:50-2:45pm | FLG280 | Murphy | ||
13980 | R | 1:55-2:45pm | FLG285 | Murphy | |||
HSC4233 | Patient Hlth Edu | 13981 | Garcia | ||||
HSC4233 | Patient Hlth Edu | 13982 | UFO | Garcia | |||
HSC4302 | Meth/Matls Hlth Edu | 22440 | MWF | 11:45-12:35pm | FLG245 | Holton | |
HSC4302 Meth/Matls Hlth Edu |
13984 | T | 8:30-9:20am | FLG285 | Ossiboff | ||
13984 | R | 8:30-10:25am | FLG285 | Ossiboff | |||
HSC4302 | Meth/Matls Hlth Edu | 13983 | UFO | Holton | |||
HSC4574 | Nutrition Edu | 13986 | James | ||||
HSC4574 | Nutrition Edu | 13985 | UFO | James | |||
HSC4592c | Sci Found Holistic Hlth | 33433 | MWF | 1:55-2:45pm | FLG285 | Holton | |
HSC4593 | HIV/AIDS Edu | 20561 | Sanders | ||||
HSC4593 | HIV/AIDS Edu | 29560 | UFO | Sanders | |||
HSC4663 Meth Inj Prev & Cntrl |
20575 | T | 9:35-11:30am | FLG285 | Murphy | ||
20575 | R | 10:40-11:30am | FLG285 | Murphy | |||
HSC4713 | Plan & Eval Hlth Edu | 14002 | W | 1:55-2:45pm | Foxx | ||
HSC4713 | Plan & Eval Hlth Edu | 29463 | MWF | 10:40-11:30am | FLG245 | Wende | |
HSC4713 | Plan & Eval Hlth Edu | 14000 | UFO | Foxx | |||
HSC4800 | Hlth Ed Prof Develop | 14014 | T | 3:00-6:000pm | Moses | ||
HSC4800 | Hlth Ed Prof Develop | 14015 | UFO | Moses | |||
HSC4876 | Internship Hlth Edu | Moses | |||||
HSC4950 Phys Activity & Comm Hlth |
29049 | T | 8:30-9:20am | WM0100 | Jake-Schofman | ||
29049 | R | 8:30-10:25am | WM0100 | Jake-Schoffman | |||
HSC5135 Emotional Hlth Edu |
14159 | T | 11:45-1:40pm | TUR2305 | Ossiboff | ||
14159 | R | 12:50-1:40pm | Ossiboff | ||||
HSC5138 | Human Sexuality Edu | 29410 | R | 3:00-6:00pm | FLG285 | Hone | |
HSC5138 | Human Sexuality Edu | 29236 | MHE | Sanders | |||
HSC5536c | Med Term Htlh Profess | 13837 | Emanuel | ||||
HSC5576 | Nutr Ed Spec Pop | 27057 | MHE | Mobley | |||
HSC5618 Adv Exer Ther Adapt |
13838 | T | 12:50-2:45pm | FLG280 | Murphy | ||
13838 | R | 1:55-2:45pm | FLG285 | Murphy | |||
HSC5925 Determinants Obesity |
29052 | M | 3:00-3:50pm | CSEE121 | McVay | ||
29052 | W | 3:00-4:55pm | FLG265 | McVay | |||
HSC6037 | Phil/Princ Hlth Edu | 13840 | W | 4:05-7:05pm | FLG285 | Holton | |
HSC6037 | Phil/Princ Hlth Edu | 13839 | MHE | Moses | |||
HSC6235 | Patient Hlth Edu | 13841 | Garcia | ||||
HSC6318 | Plan Hlth Ed Prog | 26158 | T | 3:00-6:00pm | FLG245 | Berry | |
HSC6318 | Plan Hlth Edu Prog | 26161 | MHE | Webb | |||
HSC6506 | Epidemiology | MHE | James | ||||
HSC6595 | HIV/AIDS Edu | 20562 | Sanders | ||||
HSC6603 |
29196 | M | 1:55-2:45pm | FLG235 | Reesor-Oyer | ||
29196 | W | 1:55-3:50pm | FLG225 | Reesor-Oyer | |||
HSC6605 | Sci Foun Hol Hlth | 23764 | MWF | 1:55-2:45pm | FLG285 | Holton | |
HSC6646 |
21541 | T | 9:35-11:30am | FLG 265 | Murphy | ||
R | 10:40-11:30am | FLG 265 | Murphy | ||||
HSC6665 | Hlth Comm | 13856 | Ossiboff | ||||
HSC6665 | Hlth Comm | 13857 | MHE | Ossiboff | |||
HSC6712 | Eval Hlth Edu Prog | 22891 | MHE | Scaglione | |||
HSC6735 | Res Meth Hlth Edu | 26160 | MHE | Jake-Schoffman | |||
HSC6935 Phys Act & Comm Hlth |
29050 | T | 8:30-9:20am | WM0100 | Jake-Schoffman | ||
R | 8:30-10:25am | WM0100 | Jake-Schoffman |
Spring 2024
Course | Class # | Day/s | Time | Facility | Spec | Course Title | Instructor |
HLP7939 | 12899 | T | 12:50-03:50 PM | HHP PHD PROF DEV | Mobley | ||
HSC3032 | 12857 | T | 4:05-6:00 PM | FLG 245 | Foundations Health Ed | Garcia-Guettler | |
HSC3032 | 29856 | T | 11:45-01:40 PM | TUR 2328 | Foundations Health Ed | Garcia-Guettler | |
HSC3032 | 12858 | - | UFO | Foundations Health Ed | Garcia-Guettler | ||
HSC3102 | 12881 | - | Personal Family Hlth | Wilson | |||
HSC3102 | 12906 | - | Personal Family Hlth | Ossiboff | |||
HSC3102 | 21402 | - | Personal Family Hlth | Wilson | |||
HSC3102 | 26700 | M W F | 3:00-3:50 PM | FLG 210 | Personal Family Hlth | Rodriguez | |
HSC3102 | 17999 | - | DER | Personal Family Hlth | Ossiboff | ||
HSC3102 | 18896 | - | UFO | Personal Family Hlth | Ossiboff | ||
HSC3201 | 12907 | M W F | 10:40-11:30 AM | FLG 245 | Community/Envir Hlth | Rodriguez | |
HSC3201 | 29630 | W | 3:00-6:00 PM | McCarty B G086 | Community/Envir Hlth | Emanuel | |
HSC3201 | 12908 | - | UFO | Community/Envir Hlth | Emanuel | ||
HSC3537 | 12910 | - | Hlth and Med Terminolgy | Emanuel | |||
HSC3537 | 12911 | - | Hlth and Med Terminolgy | Pritschmann | |||
HSC3537 | 24281 | - | Hlth and Med Terminolgy | Pritschmann | |||
HSC3537 | 24282 | - | Hlth and Med Terminolgy | Sayedul Huq | |||
HSC3537 | 12912 | - | UFO | Hlth and Med Terminolgy | Sayedul Huq | ||
HSC4133 | 12940 | - | Human Sexuality Edu | Sanders | |||
HSC4133 | 12939 | - | UFO | Human Sexuality Edu | Sanders | ||
HSC4134 | 24366 | - | Emotional Hlth Couns | Sanders | |||
HSC4143 | 24371 | M W F | 11:45-12:35 PM | FLG 285 | Drug Education Beh | Scaglione | |
HSC4232C | 12959 | R | 1:55-3:50 PM | FLG 265 | Ex Ther Phys Act Hlth | Murphy | |
HSC4232C | 129559 | T | 1:55-2:45 PM | FLG 265 | Ex Ther Phys Act Hlth | Murphy | |
HSC4302 | 21410 | M W F | 3:00-3:50 PM | FLG 265 | Meth/Matls Hlth Ed | Holton | |
HSC4302 | 12962 | M W F | 12:50-01:40 PM | FLG 265 | Meth/Matls Hlth Ed | Holton | |
HSC4302 | 12961 | - | UFO | Meth/Matls Hlth Ed | Holton | ||
HSC4579 | 12982 | T | 10:40-11:30 AM | FLG 265 | Women's Health Issues | Murphy | |
HSC4579 | 12982 | R | 10:40-12:35 PM | FLG 265 | Women's Health Issues | Murphy | |
HSC4579 | 12981 | - | UFO | Women's Health Issues | Garcia-Guettler | ||
HSC4623 | 13015 | - | Minority Health Issue | James | |||
HSC4623 | 13030 | - | UFO | Minority Health Issue | James | ||
HSC4624 | 20544 | T | 8:30-10:25 AM | FLG 285 | Trends Internat Hlth | Ossiboff | |
HSC4624 | 20544 | R | 9:35-10:25 AM | FLG 285 | Trends Internat Hlth | Ossiboff | |
HSC4713 | 13035 | - | Plan & Eval Hlth Edu | Rodgers | |||
HSC4713 | 26730 | R | 12:50-01:40 PM | TUR 2328 | Plan & Eval Hlth Edu | Ossiboff | |
HSC4713 | 26730 | T | 11:45-01:40 PM | Weim 1070 | Plan & Eval Hlth Edu | Ossiboff | |
HSC4713 | 13034 | - | UFO | Plan & Eval Hlth Edu | Rodgers | ||
HSC4800 | 13054 | T | 3:00-6:00 PM | McCarty B G086 | Hlth Ed Prof Develop | Moses | |
HSC4800 | 13036 | - | UFO | Hlth Ed Prof Develop | Moses | ||
HSC4876 | 13056 | - | Internship Health Ed | Moses | |||
HSC4876 | 13055 | - | UFO | Internship Health Ed | Moses | ||
HSC4950 | 25639 | T R | 3:00-3:50 PM | Cur Topics Health Ed: CURE | Hone | ||
HSC5135 | 24367 | - | Emotional Hlth Educ | Sanders | |||
HSC5138 | 12772 | - | Human Sexuality Educ | Sanders | |||
HSC5138 | 30777 | - | MHE | Human Sexuality Educ | Sanders | ||
HSC5142 | 24369 | M W F | 11:45-12:35 PM | FLG 285 | Drug Education Beh | Scaglione | |
HSC5536c | 12788 | - | Med Term Hlth Profess | Pritschmann | |||
HSC5618 | 12789 | T | 1:55-2:45 PM | FLG 265 | Adv Exer Ther Adapt | Murphy | |
HSC5618 | 12789 | R | 1:55-3:50 PM | FLG 265 | Adv Exer Ther Adapt | Murphy | |
HSC5956 | 26742 | - | MHE | Writ Profess Publica | Hone | ||
HSC6037 | 20549 | - | MHE | Philos/Princ Hlth Ed | Moses | ||
HSC6318 | 12790 | - | MHE | Plan Hlth Ed Program | Webb | ||
HSC6506 | 18895 | - | Epidemiology | James | |||
HSC6506 | 26727 | - | MHE | Epidemiology | James | ||
HSC6575 | 12792 | T | 10:40-11:30 AM | FLG 265 | Womens Health Issues | Murphy | |
HSC6575 | 12792 | R | 10:40-12:35 PM | FLG 265 | Womens Health Issues | Murphy | |
HSC6575 | 20505 | - | MHE | Womens Health Issues | Garcia-Guettler | ||
HSC6603 | 12813 | - | MHE | Theo Hlth Behav/Prac | Murphy | ||
HSC6629 | 30201 | - | MHE | Hlth Promo Prior Popu | James | ||
HSC6665 | 24368 | - | MHE | Health Communication | Rodgers | ||
HSC6712 | 29854 | T | 1:55-4:55 PM | TUR 2349 | Eval Hlth Ed Programs | Jake-Schoffman | |
HSC6712 | 29855 | - | MHE | Eval Hlth Ed Programs | Garcia | ||
HSC6712 | 31246 | - | MHE | Eval Hlth Ed Programs | Webb | ||
HSC6735 | 28089 | W | 3:00-6:00 PM | TUR 2333 | Res Methods Health Ed | McVay | |
HSC6935 | 23341 | R | 10:40-12:35 PM | Norm 1037 | SEMINAR: ALCOHOL HIV | Hone | |
HSC7937 | 12860 | W | 3:00-6:00 PM | FLG 275 | MED AND MOD ANALYSIS | Cheong |