The mission of the Center for Behavioral Economic Health Research (CBEHR) is to stimulate research, applications, and education aimed at understanding and promoting human health behavior change. CBEHR emphasizes promotion of health and wellbeing as well as prevention of illness and injury. CBEHR initiatives are guided by the unifying trans-discipline of behavioral economics, which offers powerful concepts and methods for an enhanced understanding of the science of human behavior change and for guiding individual, community, economic, and policy level interventions that are accessible, cost-effective, and evidence-based.
The CBEHR provides an intellectual home for scholars, practitioners, community partners, and policy-makers from multiple disciplines to promote behavioral economic research and applications that have a positive impact on individual, community, and population health. The CBEHR aims to stimulate collaborative and synergistic research and support community-academic partnerships that capitalize on the diverse skills and expertise of our members and partners. The Center’s vision and behavioral economic focus are in line with the National Institutes of Health roadmap for the Science of Behavior Change (SOBC) envisioned in 2009 and now a Common Fund initiative (