Our work is focused on understanding human locomotor learning for gait rehabilitation. We study how healthy subjects and patients with neurological disorders learn new walking patterns. We seek to understand how the complex and flexible interaction between the brain and spinal networks and the musculoskeletal system impact mobility. We have developed different experimental paradigms to understand diverse forms of locomotor skills (e.g., sequence learning, split-belt adaptation, visuomotor adaptation). Current research in our lab use non-invasive brain stimulation and neuroimaging techniques to study the corticospinal control of human gait. Measurements of joint kinematics, forces and neuromuscular activity during walking allow us to understand the biomechanical and neurological factors that act simultaneously to control stability and energetics. Our findings have important implications for understanding and treating gait disorders.

PI: Julia Choi

Research Interests

  • We integrate neuroscience, biomechanics, rehabilitation and engineering to address both fundamental and clinically-relevant research questions about human locomotor plasticity
  • Our work has been published in leading journals in the field of neuroscience (e.g., Nature Neuroscience, Brain, Cerebral Cortex) and interdisciplinary journals (e.g., J Physiology, J Experimental Biology)
  • Our research is funded by the NSF