The college awards more than $200,000 in scholarships annually, in amounts ranging from $500 to $2,000 per award. Scholarship applications are open December-January with award funds disbursed during the end of the spring semester. The Scholarship Committee will make recommendations on each merit-based scholarship based on applicant qualifications and donor-stipulated conditions.
If you are a donor or alumni who wishes to make a scholarship gift to the college, or have questions about disbursements please contact our development team.
Important Notes About Scholarships
- Applicants must be a current UF/HHP student and meet the minimum GPA and credit hour requirements. Students must have completed a minimum of 1 semester at UF at time of application. Please review eligibility requirements for undergraduate or graduate scholarships. Applicants who do NOT meet the minimum eligibility requirements will not be reviewed.
- Submission of the single HHP scholarship application will allow a student to be reviewed for approximately 80 different scholarships facilitated by the college. For a listing of scholarships offered through the college and/or UF, please use the scholarship search database found on the Student Financial Affairs site.
- If a student changes their major outside of the College or leaves the University for any reason between the time they receive notification of the award and the financial award disbursement date, the recognition and financial award will be forfeited. It is the student’s responsibility to notify the College immediately of any change.
- Scholarship funds will be disbursed through UF's Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships at the end of the spring semester.
Application Process
- Applications for the 2025 cycle will open December 2, 2024 with a deadline of January 23, 2025 at 4:00pm. This is a STRICT deadline and applications/resumes received on or after 4:01pm will NOT be considered.
- Complete the HHP Scholarship Application which includes:
- HHP Scholarship Application
- A personal statement (2500 character limit including spaces) submitted via the online application: Please describe your academic and career goals and how your experience at UF HHP has helped you prepare to achieve these goals. Questions to consider when writing your statement:
- How have your personal experiences or campus involvement impacted or influenced your career goals (student organizations, leadership opportunities, research, community service, etc.)?
- Have you faced any challenges or obstacles on your educational journey, and how have you overcome them?
- How will this scholarship help you achieve/advance your goals?
- Submission of your current resume (CV for Doctoral students) in PDF or Word format via the online application submission. Failure to submit a resume/CV in the correct format will void your application.
- Incomplete or late applications will NOT be accepted.
- All award notifications will be sent via email no later than May 1, 2025.
If you have questions about the HHP application process or eligibility requirements, please email Sarah Eberhart at
Review Process
Applications are reviewed by the college scholarship committee which is comprised of faculty representatives from each of the four HHP departments as well as Dean's Office staff members. Applicants are evaluated based on their application, personal statement and resume/CV information. Applicants are scored in the following areas: leadership, service, research and personal statement. Awards are determined based on scholarship criteria for each award. Current HHP awards can be found here:
Eligibility Requirements for Scholarship Applicants
- Health and Human Performance major
- Enrolled full-time (minimum 12 credits per semester)
- Minimum 3.0 UF GPA
- Have successfully completed a minimum of one semester at UF at time of application.
- Health and Human Performance major
- Enrolled full-time (minimum of 9 credits per semester)
- Minimum 3.0 UF GPA
- Have successfully completed a minimum of one semester at UF at time of application.
NOTE: students approved for reduced course load by the Disability Resource Center can submit verification via email for eligibility.
Departmental Awarding process for the Latin American-Caribbean (LAC) Scholarship
The Latin American-Caribbean (LAC) Scholarship allows students who are citizens of a Latin American or Caribbean country to be classified as residents for tuition purposes. For additional information about this scholarship, please see the UFIC website link provided in the Resources section of this document.
The College will fund one recipient per department for the LAC Scholarship at a time. The recipient may be either an undergraduate or a graduate student. Each recipient is eligible to receive funding for up to four semesters at $500 per semester ($2,000 total). The semesters in which the scholarship is awarded do not need to be consecutive. Academic eligibility must be evaluated each semester by the department to determine if funding can continue.
Requirements for academic eligibility:
- The student must be in good academic standing. HHP defines good academic standing as earning a minimum 3.0 UF GPA (cumulative).
- The student must be enrolled full-time during the semester in which the scholarship is to be awarded. Full-time status is determined as 12 credit hours for undergraduate students and 9 credit hours for graduate students
Additional LAC Scholarship information is provided on the UFIC website:
- The student must contact the departmental advisor with the request for LAC funding consideration at least 60 days prior to the start of the term in which the scholarship is to be awarded.
- The department will confirm the student’s academic eligibility in SIS using the criteria above.
- If the student is academically eligible to receive the scholarship, then the department will verify if funds are available from the College.
- The student must submit a personal statement of no more than one page (single-spaced, size 12 font) addressing how they meet the citizenship and academic requirements for the scholarship. The student must also include how the funds will benefit them.
- The department will complete the Award Form (must be signed by the Department Chair) and submit it to the College for approval.
- The Award Letter is signed by the Associate Dean for Academic and Student Affairs and returned to the department.
- The college will submit the LAC Award Acknowledgement to the Office of Student Financial Aid & Scholarships.
- On the day final grades are available, the departmental advisor verifies that the student maintained the minimum required cumulative UF GPA and full-time enrolment. If the student completed all credits with a final grade and retained a minimum 3.0 cumulative UF GPA , then funding can continue (repeat steps 5-7 for the next semester).