Denise M. Seabert, Ph.D., has been preparing health teachers and providing in-service training for teachers and other school personnel for more than 20 years. Her career has been dedicated to professional preparation of health educators through service to state and national organizations and initiatives as well as textbook authorship. Dr. Seabert provided leadership in Indiana’s obesity prevention efforts, HIV education for teachers, and academic standards for health and wellness.
Currently she serves on the Eta Sigma Gamma National Health Education Honorary executive board and national committee on the Future of School Health. She has served on the board of directors for the American School Health Association and the National Commission for Health Education Credentialing and was a member of a CDC school health national training cadre.
Prior to gaining professor emeritus status at Ball State University, Dr. Seabert served as chairperson for the Department of Physiology & Health Science and associate dean of the College of Health. She currently serves as the dean of the College of Health and Human Services at Fresno State. Denise received her BAEd in school health education from Western Washington University, MS in school and college health from Indiana University, and Ph.D. in health behavior with a minor in curriculum from the University of Florida.