The Master of Science in Applied Physiology & Kinesiology offers students a thesis and non-thesis option. The degree also requires completion of a research project.
Graduate study in Applied Physiology and Kinesiology (APK) at the University of Florida is, in a broad sense, focused on research in the concentration areas listed for the department: physiology of exercise; athletic injury prevention; biomechanics, motor control and learning; sport and exercise psychology.
More specifically, the research is illustrated by the projects described in the description of the laboratories in the Center for Exercise Science. The work consists of projects that cover the full spectrum of human potential: from young to old, fit to unfit, healthy to diseased, able-bodied to disabled, and from the casual recreational participant to the high-level athlete. Consequently, APK has established meaningful research relationships with units in the College of Medicine, the College of Health Related Professions, the College of Engineering, the Departments of Veterinary Medicine, Pharmacology, Physiology, Psychology, Zoology, the Veterans Administration Center, and the Center for Gerontological Studies. As a result of the multidisciplinary nature of the field, other mutually beneficial interactions are constantly being explored.
We invite you to explore our graduate programs by selecting an area of interest below:
Exercise Physiology | Biobehavioral Science
Human Performance | Strength and Conditioning Practitioner
Master's degree in Applied Physiology & Kinesiology is also AVAILABLE ONLINE