About the Program

Exercise Physiology is the scientific study of how the various physiological systems of the humans and animals respond to physical activity. It is a multidisciplinary field with strong ties to the basic life sciences, medicine and application to clinical, normal and athletic populations.

The MS degree requires completion of a research project and a written thesis. This program is designed for students pursuing a career in research and/or a doctoral degree.

The mission of this program is to train individuals for careers in scientifically based exercise programs for research, health maintenance, cardiac risk identification, and rehabilitation. A strong emphasis is placed on laboratory skills and the design and implementation of various fitness and rehabilitation programs.

Primary coursework and training will include the study of cardiovascular, respiratory and metabolic responses to exercise and athletic training. Graduate coursework within the Department of Applied Physiology and Kinesiology covering these areas include both lecture and laboratories. Additional courses involve the application of basic exercise physiology principles to clinical, field and wellness settings, evaluation of physical fitness and the prescription of physical exercise.

Program Requirements
  • 15 Semester hours of major coursework consisting of 3 credits of Required Courses and 12 credits in Concentration Courses
  • 9 Semester hours minimum in advisor-approved Elective Courses
  • 6 Semester hours minimum Thesis Course. A maximum of 6 thesis credits may count towards your elective requirement
  • 30 Semester hours minimum for graduation

Credit Hours Required Courses

  • 3 HLP 6535 Research Methods

Credit Hours Concentration Courses

  • 3 APK 6226C Biomechanics of Human Motion
  • 3 APK 6116C Physiological Bases of Exercise and Sport Sciences
  • 3 APK 6118 Neuromuscular Adaptation to Exercise
  • 3 APK 7107 Cardiovascular Exercise Physiology
  • 3 APK 7117 Exercise Metabolism

Credit Hours Thesis Course (6 credit minimum)

  • 1-15 PET 6971 Research for Masters Thesis

Credit Hours Elective Courses

  • 3 HLP 6515 Evaluation Procedures
  • 3 PET 5936 Current Topics in Applied Physiology and Kinesiology
  • 3 APK 6205C Nature and Bases of Motor Performance
  • 3 APK 6115 Neuromuscular Adaptation to Exercise
  • 1-5 PET 6905 Directed Independent Study
  • 1-5 PET 6910 Supervised Research (maximum 5 credits)
  • 3 EME 5403 Instructional Computing I
  • 1 STA 5106 Computer Programs in Statistical Analysis 1
  • 3 STA 6166 Statistical Methods in Research 1

NOTE: 1000-4000 level courses within the department and 1000-2000 level courses outside the department are not eligible to count toward the graduate degree requirements.

Thesis Requirement

Prior to graduating, each student must successfully complete his/her thesis and present the work in written form meeting the guidelines approved by the University of Florida Graduate School. The student also must orally present and defend their work before their thesis committee in an open forum.

Recommended Prerequisites

NOTE: These courses do not count toward your graduate degree program.

  • Elementary Organic & Biological Chemistry (at U.F. BCH 3023)
  • Intro to Phys. Biochemistry and Molecular Bio (at U.F. BCH 4024)
  • Integrated Principles of Biology I (at U.F. BSC 2010)
  • General Chemistry (at U.F. CHM 2045)
  • Organic Chemistry (at U.F. CHM 2210)
  • Organic Chemistry II (at U.F. CHM 2211)
  • Organic Chemistry Laboratory (at U.F. CHM 2211L)
  • Principles of Marketing (at U.F. MAR 3023)
  • Applied Human Anatomy w/Lab (at U.F. APK 2100C)
  • Applied Human Physiology w/Lab (at U.F. APK 2105C)
  • Motor Learning (at U.F. APK 3200)
  • Physiology of Exercise and Training (at U.F. APK 3110C)