i-RISE has conducted a number of research projects that have been published in peer-reviewed academic journals. Some of the research highlights describe the interrelationship between event and destination images as well as the events’ impacts and legacies and include the following:
2018 Pyeong Chang Winter Olympic Games
On January 18, 2018 an online survey was conducted among 200 USA participants on the topic of North and South Korea relations 3 weeks before the 2018 Olympic Games in South Korea. The survey took place to identify the reactions toward the two countries meeting after years of “cold” relationships ahead of the 2018 Games to send a joint team and athletes in the 2018 Games. The 200 respondents were recruited from an online consumer panel called Amazon Mechanical Turk. The respondents were mostly male (55.5%), white (80%), with 54% having income between $20,000 and $60,000, 50% with a college degree education, most of them (72.5%) employed and on average being 36 years old.
The results showed that the image of North and South Korea can be influenced by the talks the two countries had ahead of the Olympic Games to jointly participate in the Games. Specifically, 48% of the whole sample was fully aware of the meetings taking place. An overwhelming 90.6% of the people, who were aware of the two countries meeting to send a joint team to the Games, thought such event was very good for the relationships between the two countries. Also from those who were aware of this news, 68.8% thought that the Olympic Games are promoting peace and 70.9% thought the Olympic Games offer the opportunity to bring nations together. In addition, among those who were aware of the news, 66% thought the Olympic Games image was somewhat or very positive. Furthermore, of those respondents who were aware of the news (48% of the whole sample) between North and South Korea ahead of the Olympic Games, 76% had a somewhat or very positive image of South Korea as a tourism destination, compared to 2% who had a positive image of North Korea. Of those who were not aware of these talks (52%) 59.6% had a positive image of South Korea as a tourism destination. This difference in perceptions about South Korea’s image shows the potential influences of these talks on the country’s tourism development.
2022 Qatar World Cup: Impact Perceptions among Qatar Residents
The purpose of this study was to evaluate how the impacts from the 2022 World Cup preparations in Qatar influenced local residents’ attitudes, personal and community quality of life perceptions, excitement about hosting the event, and support toward the event. The examination of the way mega sport event impacts influence residents’ perceptions of personal and community quality of life is lacking in the literature. Data were collected using systematic sampling in October 2014 from Qatari nationals and white-collar expatriates. Overall, 2,163 interviews with Qatari nationals (1,058) and white-collar expatriates (1,105) were completed. The results revealed that eight years before the event, sociocultural impacts were the most influential type of impact for residents’ attitudes toward the event, community and personal quality of life, excitement about the event, and support of the FIFA decision to host the event in Qatar.
Business Legacy Planning for Mega Events: The Case of the 2022 World Cup in Qatar
Mega events can bring a number of changes in the host country. From the moment the host country decides to bid for the event to the time of selection and throughout the preparation for the event hosting, there are opportunities to leverage the event to achieve long term goals. This study aimed to explore the processes of business networking which lays the foundation for business legacy outcomes initiated by the award of a mega event in a region. Social and human capital development and innovation were identified as potential legacy. Qualitative data analysis revealed a process that involved a relationship between certain factors.
Pyeongchang was a candidate city for 3 consecutive bids for the Winter Olympic Games, and it finally won its latest bid to host the 2018 Games. Media plays a vital role in framing public (residents) perceptions of Olympic bids. This paper was about the examination of media coverage of hosting the Olympic Games during the Olympic host-city bid process. A quantitative content analysis was conducted on newspaper articles about Pyeongchang, Korea. The results indicated that positive, nationwide discussions of hosting the Olympic Games were presented during the successful bid. Infrastructure legacy was mentioned frequently and dominantly for both successful and unsuccessful bid periods, whereas the presence of sport-development and sociocultural-legacy themes increased in the latest, successful, bid.
Participant-based Brand Image Perceptions of International Sport Events: The Case of the Universiade
The purpose of this study was to identify dimensions of brand image of an international sport event, the 2009 Summer Universiade held in Belgrade, Serbia. Five core event image dimensions were revealed from interviews of athletes and official team delegates: competition, emotional, social, cultural, and organizational. These themes related to past research but showed a more balanced interplay between the competition and socio-cultural images of the event.
Small communities can experience the building of new sport facilities that accommodate certain sport events, sport activities, and recreation and leisure programs that target the local and non-local residents. The building of new infrastructure requires financial investments that can have a direct impact on the community support and bring to the forefront questions about long-term benefits and costs of that facility on the communityThe purpose of the study was to examine the benefits and costs of having a sport complex built within a small community and to identify the legacy components from such infrastructural “intervention”.
The consumption of sport events through direct participation can influence participants’ (e.g., runners of 5k and 10k) perception of happiness. This paper examined how sport event (5k and 10k running event) service quality aspects operationalized through the physical environment, interaction, and outcome factors influence overall satisfaction with the event and experiential happiness. Structural equation modeling analysis revealed the positive effect of outcome and physical environment factors on satisfaction with the event and the positive influence of event satisfaction and outcome quality on experiential happiness.
Determinants of Tourists’ Expenditure at Mass Participant Sport Events: A 5-year Analysis
Using the five-year data of a US running event (N = 9380), this paper examined key determinants of tourists’ expenditure in a mass participant sport event. The proposed four-facet model (economic constraint, travel-related, socio-demographic, and sport-related facets) provides a broader framework for event organisers and destination marketers in evaluating what factors determine participants’ spending behaviours while at the destination, thereby maximising the potential economic benefits of hosting a participant sport event.
The success of a sport event is an important outcome for both the organizing entity and the destination where the event is hosted to properly leverage its hosting. Utilizing the multiple constituency approach in assessing organizational effectiveness, the purpose of this study was to examine factors that contribute to the success of a sport event through the perspectives of the event providers and the spectators of small-scale sport events who experience the events. The results revealed complementarity in the views from both sides and a differential weight placed on stated success factors for each group. Effective event management and delivery was the common denominator between the two entities.
The Triggers of Inspiration in Sport Event Participation among Runners
Inspiration plays an important role in motivating people to take part in sports. Inspiration triggered by sport events has the potential, although not automatically, to contribute to an increase in participation in physical activities. What triggers the inspiration for sport participation? Data were collected from runners participating in 5 and 10 km and marathon races within a marathon event that took place in Greece in the city of Thessaloniki and also from runners that participated in a half and full marathon event in the Southeastern part of the United States.
Legacies of Four Summer Olympic Cities 1996-2008: Tourism as A Common Legacy
It is known that mega events bring impacts to the host city. The aim of this research is to examine the various ‘legacy’ aspects as they relate to the quality of life of host city residents. The analysis of the various legacy models for the various host cities revealed a number of different initiatives within each of the legacy categories – economic, cultural, environment, event success, governance reform, health, infrastructure, knowledge development, legacy management, political, psychological/emotional, social, sport development, tourism, urban development.
Following a growing focus on the social impacts of mega-sport events over the past decade, this study examined perceptions of psychic income and social capital among South African residents prior to, and following, the 2010 FIFA World Cup. Psychic income is a measure of event-related pride/euphoria and social capital is a proxy for social cohesion. Psychic income significantly increased from pre to post-event; males and Black South Africans rated psychic income significantly higher. Three social capital dimensions decreased and two exhibited no change post-event; Black and younger South Africans perceived higher social capital levels.
Limited research has empirically tested whether quality of life (QOL) is perceived as an exchange benefit that facilitates resident support of mega-events. The purpose of the study was to explore the role of mega-event impacts on perceived satisfaction with quality of life and support among South African residents before and after the 2010 FIFA World Cup. Results indicate significant differences in perceived impacts before and after the event.
The importance of legacy evaluation for Olympic host cities is noted in sport, tourism, economic, and sociological journals. This study explored the importance of legacy outcomes for residents’ quality of life in four Summer Olympic cities: Atlanta, Sydney, Athens, and Beijing. The results suggest that residents of Atlanta and Sydney value outcomes from the Games such as emotional investment and spaces associated with the Games that have a socialization dimension higher than residents of Athens and Beijing who value the more tangible outcomes as more important for their quality of life.
Destination Personality, Affective Image, and Behavioral Intentions in Domestic Urban Tourism
The term destination image has been used to capture an individual’s opinions and impressions about a destination suggesting holistic imageries in a tourist’s mind. This paper was designed to explore the predictive power of affective destination image and brand personality on overall destination image and behavioral intentions. Data analysis confirmed the influential role of destination personality and affective image in the formation of overall destination image among urban tourists.
The Impact of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games on China’s Destination Brand: A U.S.-Based Examination
This study investigates the impact of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games on China’s destination brand perception—in terms of destination image and personality. Specifically, this study, based on surveys of American leisure travelers before and after the Games, confirmed the immediate impact of the Beijing Olympics on China’s national tourism brand. That is, the event media could influence respondents’ destination perceptions.