Safety Recommendations for People Visiting the Florida Gym
We will follow the safety guidelines outlined on the EHS website. You are encouraged to watch the short videos:
- Wear a fresh disposable face mask or accepted cloth mask on approach to the building
- Use alcohol-based sanitizer or wash your hands before donning a face mask
- Pull mask down to cover mouth, nose, and chin
- Make sure there are no gaps between the mask and your face
- Do not touch your face with dirty hands
- As a standard practice, wash your hands before and after removing gloves
- Before removing the mask, clean hands with alcohol-based sanitizer or soap and water
- Remove the mask from behind using the strings or ear loops. Do not touch the front of the mask
- Wash cloth masks regularly
- Sterilize disposable masks prior to re-use
- Work in shifts to avoid too many people in labs/rooms and maintain social distance
- Keep at least a 6-foot distance between you and other people, and when possible, 12-feet
- A large group chat/text list will be created to inform others in the Gym of status updates.
- Spacing and timing of lab work will follow EHS Guidelines on Scheduling
- WET LAB STAFF: Leader will generate a shared calendar to ensure that shared equipment will adhere to the low person density.
- Physical signs will be placed on lab doors to note “who’s in”
- The laboratory staff will wear masks during all times in the lab
- One laboratory will be using two digital thermometers and all lab staff temperatures will be checked daily before working in the lab.
- The thermometers will be disinfected before and after each use.
- The laboratory will be disinfected regularly: doorknobs, desks, tables, light switches, etc.
- Do not hand anything directly to/from staff and research participants. To maintain distance, place items on a table to exchange them between the staff and research participants.
- Check with funding agencies (Program Officers) and CDC guidelines for resuming research with vulnerable populations (i.e., older individuals, those with respiratory conditions, or other risks).
- If researchers plan to use the research laboratories in Yon Hall, then coordinate shifts to minimize foot traffic and ensure physical distancing.
>> Download this list of safety guidelines in poster format (.pdf)