HEB Master's Degree Application Requirements

Application Deadlines

SPRING: November 1
SUMMER: April 1
FALL: July 1

Note: The department has rolling admissions, but to ensure the highest likelihood of a timely review for a particular semester, please submit all application materials by the above deadlines. ALL application materials should be submitted to the Department. It is recommended that you submit your application as soon as possible rather than waiting until the deadline.

Application Materials

  1. Completed University of Florida Graduate School Application and pay application fee
  2. Cover letter / statement of purpose describing your areas of professional interest, areas of personal interest, and reasons for pursuing a Masters Degree in Health Education and Behavior*
  3. Resume / Curriculum Vitae*
    • Pursuant to Florida Statute, your application requires inclusion of all post-high school education and employment, as well as information about ongoing international affiliations and research funding. Please ensure this information is included on your curriculum vitae (CV) or resume.
  4. Three letters of recommendation* are required
    • At least one letter should come from an academic source (e.g. prior college instructor, academic advisor, etc.). This requirement (academic letter) is waived if the applicant has been out of school for more than 5 years.
    • The remaining letters should come from a professional source with preference for recommendations from someone who knows the applicant in a supervisory role rather than as a peer.
    • Letters from family, friends, or spiritual leaders are NOT acceptable.
    • Applicants should request that their references comment on the following in their letters of recommendation: written and oral communication skills, competency in health education and behavior, work ethic, analytical skills, and problem-solving skills.
  5. For both domestic and international applicants, a health education interest questionnaire will be emailed to the applicant once an application has been submitted. An application will not be considered complete until the online questionnaire responses are submitted.
  6. Minimum 3.0 GPA for all upper-division undergraduate coursework
  7. GRE scores are not currently required or reviewed as part of the application.
  8. Non-UF students – Submit official transcripts from all previous colleges attended to the Office of Admissions (201 Criser hall, PO Box 114000, Gainesville, FL 32611-4000)
  9. International Students must submit an official transcript, mark sheets and diploma/degree certificate in the native language from every university or college attended to the Office of Admissions (201 Criser Hall, PO Box 114000, Gainesville, FL 32611-4000). Applicants must also submit certified, literal (exact) English translations for documents not originally issued in English.
  10. International Students – Minimum required score of 80 on the IBT TOEFL, or 550 on the PBT TOEFL. (Have scores sent to UF institution code 5812.)

*All materials can be included in the online application.

NOTE: Please contact the Graduate Coordinator in advance before planning a visit to campus: Amy Mobley

For more information on the cost of tuition and related fees across the College of Health and Human Performance M.S. degree programs, click HERE.