The Curriculum Committee shall be responsible for approving all changes in curriculum and for evaluating existing programs. The committee shall make periodic reports to the College Council.
Members of the Curriculum Committee shall be appointed for one-year terms by the dean and approved by the College Council.
Operating Code:
HHP College Curriculum Committee Operating Code
- Heather Gibson (THEM) CHAIR
- Josie Ahlgren (APK)
- Steve Coombes (APK)
- Amy Mobley (HEB)
- Suzanne Murphy (HEB)
- Cyntrice Thomas (F)/Kiki Kaplanidou (S) (SPM)
- Cindy Willming (SPM)
- Jin-Won Kim (THEM)
- Sarah Eberhart (Ex. Officio)
- Chris Janelle (Ex. Officio)
College Curriculum Committee meetings are held monthly during the fall/spring semesters and held from 2:00-3:30 pm via zoom. The agenda submission deadline is the Wednesday the week before the meeting.
The items listed below are the most common requested items/revisions. For requests not listed, please visit the Academic Approvals site for specific instructions.
- Modify the Curriculum of a Major
- Create or Modify a Specialization – Undergraduate
- Create or Modify a Concentration – Graduate or Professional
- Create or Modify a Course
- Create or Modify the Academic Learning Compact (including SLOs)
- Create or Modify the Academic Assessment Plan
- Study Abroad Proposal Form
- College Review Guidelines for New Course Submissions
Policy for Special Variable Topic Coursework FINAL