Amy Mobley, Ph.D., R.D., FAND

Associate Professor & Graduate Program Coordinator
Department of Health Education & Behavior

  • Ph.D. in Nutrition, University of Maryland (2006)
  • M.S. in Human Nutrition, The Ohio State University (1998)
  • R.D., Dietetic Internship, The Ohio State University (1997)
  • B.S. in Applied Nutrition, The Pennsylvania State University (1996)

Mobley CV
Nutrition and Behavioral Science Research Lab

Contact Info

FLG 12
P.O. Box 118210
Gainesville, FL 32611-8210
(352) 294-1813 |


Amy R. Mobley, Ph.D., R.D., joined the faculty in the Department of Health Education and Behavior at the University of Florida in the fall of 2018. She has served as the department's Graduate Program Coordinator since 2019. Dr. Mobley is a nutrition educator and registered dietitian with expertise in community nutrition research and outreach specifically related to nutrition education and obesity prevention. Her research goal is to better understand the multiple influences on dietary behavior and to develop corresponding interventions to improve health especially in underserved populations. She aims to integrate research, teaching and outreach to improve nutrition related programs and policies. Using qualitative and quantitative methods, she has conducted research to evaluate web-based nutrition education, dietary guidance and feeding messages for low-income adults and families with young children and, strategies for childhood obesity prevention particularly targeted to parents, with a special emphasis on fathers of preschool age children. 

Prior to joining UF, Dr. Mobley was an Associate Professor in Nutritional Sciences at University of Connecticut (2011-2018) and a Clinical Assistant Professor in Foods and Nutrition at Purdue University (2006-2011). She also worked as a research scientist contractor for the Office of Dietary Supplements, National Institutes of Health (2002-2006) and as a nutrition communication and public relations manager for the American Dairy Association MidEast (1998-2002) prior to earning her PhD. Dr. Mobley received her Ph.D. in Nutrition from the University of Maryland, a M.S. in Human Nutrition from The Ohio State University, and a B.S. in Applied Nutrition from The Pennsylvania State University. She is also a Fellow of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

Dr. Mobley has received grant funding as both PI and Co-I from the National Institutes of Health and United States Department of Agriculture.  She has successfully advised several doctoral, masters, and undergraduate honors students in research and has received departmental, college and university level teaching awards and grants from both UConn and Purdue.  Further, she was the recipient of the Nutrition Education for the Public Award for Excellence from the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and selected for the highly competitive Dannon Institute Early Career Leadership Institute. Dr. Mobley has served in several leadership capacities including the Chair of the Nutrition Education and Behavioral Sciences Research Interest Section of the American Society for Nutrition, and as a Director at Large for the Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior. Currently, she is the Secretary for the Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior, and the Past-Chair of the Nutrition Education for the Public Dietetic Practice Group of the Academy for Nutrition and Dietetics. She also serves as an Associate Editor for the Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior and on two editorial boards including the International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity and the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

Please contact Dr. Mobley for further information about pursuing graduate studies in Health Education & Behavior or obtaining research experience as an undergraduate in her lab. Undergraduates interested in gaining research experience in Dr. Mobley's lab should complete the application form and email it to along with their resume.

Research Interests

  • Ecological and behavioral approaches to preventing and treating obesity throughout the lifespan
  • Parental influences on early childhood feeding and obesity risk
  • Nutrition education and behavior
  • mHealth and eHealth methods to improve dietary and physical activity behaviors
  • Food security
  • Underserved populations