Jamie Zeldman
- BS, Dietetics, University of Florida
- BS, Applied Physiology and Kinesiology, University of Florida
- MS, Food Science and Human Nutrition, University of Florida,
- Dietetic Internship, University of Florida
Research interests: Nutrition and Health Education and Promotion, Food Security, Obesity Prevention, Community Nutrition
- Zeldman J, Andrade J, Identifying Physicians’, and Nurses’ Nutrition Knowledge Using Validated Instruments: A Systematic Narrative Review, International Journal of Nutrition and Food Sciences. Vol. 9, No. 2, 2020, pp. 43-53. doi: 10.11648/j.ijnfs.20200902.12
- Zeldman J, Rivero-Medoza D, Dahl W. (2020). Plant-Based Milks: Cashew. EDIS. 2020. 10.32473/edis-fs413-2020.
- Zeldman J, Rivero-Medoza D, Dahl W. (2020). Leches a base de plantas: Nuez de marañón (anacardo). EDIS. 2020. 10.32473/edis-fs418-2020.
Related experience:
- Graduate Research Assistant with Dr. Mobley in Department of Health Education and Behavior, 2021-Present
- Research Assistant with Dr. Shelnutt in the Department of Family, Youth and Community Sciences, 2017-Present
- Gainesville Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics President-Elect, 2021-Present
- Student Co-Representative for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Nutrition Education for the Public DPG, 2021-Present
- Research Coordinator for NEBS Lab, 2020-2021
- UF Dietetic Intern, 2019-2020
Awards and honors:
- University of Florida’s Women’s Club Graduate Scholarship Recipient (2020)
- UF Health and Human Performance Dean’s List (2018)
- UF College of Agricultural and Life Sciences Dean’s List (2017)
- Bright Futures Florida Academic Scholars Recipient (2013-2017)
Favorite thing about HEB and/or UF: The variety of opportunities and connections UF and this department provides, as well as the sense of unity and school spirit. Proud to be a Florida Gator!
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